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Preparing Your Home for Autumn

Preparing Your Home for Autumn

Love it or hate it, fall is here! As we say farewell to the warmth and fun of summer, it’s time to get excited about falling leaves, sweatshirts, campfires and all things autumn. For you, that might mean packing away the white shoes and digging out your boots, but what does it mean for your home? Here are five ways you can prepare for late fall and winter.

Top Down: Fall is a wonderful time to inspect your roof, clean your gutters, check your downspouts and make sure your home is ready for wetter, cooler temperatures, including ice and snow. Although some of this you can do yourself, consider bringing in a company like TruBlue to help. Standing on a ladder while trying to mitigate any gunk you might find is dangerous work. Plus, if a repair needs to be made, we can help.

Prepare for the Cold: Colder temperatures always seem to sneak up on us and there’s nothing like trying to get your furnace repaired on the coldest day of the year. Before that cold snap, have your furnace or heating system inspected and, if you use a fireplace, have your chimney cleaned and inspected.This is also a great time to test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace your filters.

Keep out the Draft: Sealing your doors and windows is a pretty simple process that can make a big difference when it comes to keeping in the heat – and keeping out the cold. Now is a great time to check – and possibly replace – the weather stripping and caulking around your windows and doors. If you have older windows, fall is a great time to insulate them.

Bottom Up: Foundations are especially susceptible to water in the winter because of the way ice expands. If you have cracks in your foundation, fall is a great time to take stock of the situation, even if you can’t make repairs right now. While we’re talking about the bottom of your home, now is also a good time to insulate pipes that might be prone to freezing, shut down your outdoor water access and check for leaks that could become skating rinks in the dead of winter.

Safety First: We could go on forever about ways to protect your home from the impending cold, but we’ll close out this blog with a quick reminder about home safety. Winter is prime time for falls, especially outside with the ice. Make sure your handrails are sturdy and accessible and that you have non-slip material right inside your doors. No one wants to come in with snowy shoes just to skid across the entryway.

Whether you need help with a few of these projects or you’re ready to take seasonal maintenance ( off your list entirely, TruBlue can help.