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TruBlue of Northern Vermont
Senior Fall Prevention Month, Episode 1: Grab Bars

How Grab Bars Help Prevent Falls for Seniors and People of All Ages

Our first episode of Senior Fall Prevention Month is actually for everyone - read on to understand an important safety feature for everyone young or old.

Falls are a common cause of injury, especially for seniors, but they can happen to people of all ages. Grab bars offer a simple, effective solution to prevent falls, particularly in areas like bathrooms and stairways, where slips are more likely to occur.

Why Falls Happen

Falls often result from decreased balance, muscle weakness, slippery surfaces, or medical conditions. Seniors are particularly vulnerable due to aging-related changes, but even younger people can fall due to fatigue, distraction, or temporary injuries.

How Grab Bars Prevent Falls

  1. Stability in Key Areas: Grab bars provide extra support in places where falls are most likely, such as bathrooms. They offer a firm handhold when transitioning between sitting and standing or when moving across wet, slippery surfaces.

  2. Support for Mobility Issues: For those with limited mobility, grab bars reduce the strain on muscles and joints, helping maintain balance and reducing the need for assistance from others.

  3. Confidence and Independence: Knowing there’s something to hold onto increases confidence and allows people to move more freely without fear of falling.

  4. Versatility: Grab bars aren’t just for seniors. They can benefit people of all ages—children learning to be independent, adults recovering from injury, or anyone dealing with slippery environments.

Choosing the Right Grab Bars

Grab bars are easy to install, affordable, and come in a variety of styles. Ensure they’re securely mounted in high-risk areas like bathrooms or near stairs, and opt for durable materials like stainless steel for added safety. 

There are several key things to remember: 

  1. Suction cup grab bars are not consistent enough to be considered safe and any professional agency or company such as TruBlue of Northern Vermont would advise against using them because they can lose their suction at any time and result in the fall that they were meant to prevent. 

  2. Grab bars are best installed by professionals. For example, grab bars should be placed at the right place, height, direction, etc. for maximum benefit. Choose a professional who is CAPS certified. Also, look for additional certifications such as grab bar certification. TruBlue of Northern Vermont has both. 

  3. Grab bars don't have to look institutional anymore - there are very stylish designs that can serve multiple purposes like towel racks and toilet paper holders. Additionally, they can come in colors like black and bronze, wavy designs, etc. to meet current fashion. 


Grab bars are a cost-effective way to reduce the risk of falls and help people of all ages stay safe and confident in their homes.

September is National Fall Prevention Month! Ensure your loved ones' safety with a FREE Senior Home Safety Assessment. Schedule yours today!