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TruBlue of Plymouth & Maple Grove
Essential Home Maintenance Tips for Seniors: How TruBlue Can Help

Essential Home Maintenance Tips for Seniors: How TruBlue of Plymouth and Maple Grove Can Help

As we age, maintaining a home can become increasingly challenging. Keeping up with regular home maintenance is crucial for ensuring a safe and comfortable living environment. For the 70% of seniors who wish to remain in the comfort of their own homes as they age, addressing both routine maintenance and safety upgrades is essential. Regular home upkeep not only prevents damage but also enhances comfort and efficiency. Here are some practical home maintenance tips, along with how our team at TruBlue of Plymouth and Maple Grove can assist with home improvement, maintenance, safety, and to-do projects. With the right support, seniors can continue to enjoy their homes with confidence and peace of mind.

Seasonal Maintenance: Keeping Up Year-Round

Home maintenance is a year-round project, with each season bringing its own set of challenges and opportunities. In the spring and summer, focus on tasks like cleaning gutters and maintaining the air conditioning system. Keeping gutters clear helps prevent water damage, while regularly changing air filters and scheduling professional inspections keeps your cooling system running efficiently. Spring is also a great time to check for any winter damage to your roof or siding.

As the weather turns cooler in the fall and winter, shift your attention to the heating system. Cleaning or replacing filters and having the system serviced ensures it operates efficiently when you need it most. Additionally, prepare for winter weather by insulating pipes to prevent freezing and keeping pathways and driveways clear of snow and ice to prevent slips and falls.

Fun fact: We offer seasonal maintenance services that can cover these tasks, ensuring your home stays in top shape no matter the time of year.

Actionable Monthly One-Task Home Maintenance List for Seniors (with the help of professionals)

  • January: Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
  • February: Inspect plumbing for leaks
  • March: Clean or replace HVAC filters
  • April: Test and reset ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs)
  • May: Clean gutters and downspouts
  • June: Inspect window and door seals
  • July: Check and clean ceiling fans
  • August: Inspect and clean dryer vent
  • September: Test all safety devices, like fire extinguishers
  • October: Inspect the roof for damage
  • November: Service the heating system
  • December: Check and seal any drafts around windows and doors

Feeling overwhelmed? Reach out to us for assistance with these tasks and ensure they’re done efficiently and safely.

Enhancing Safety: Small Changes, Big Impact

For seniors who want to remain independent at home, safety should be a primary focus. Simple enhancements can significantly reduce the risk of accidents. Installing grab bars in bathrooms and other high-traffic areas provides crucial support and can prevent falls. Ensuring that smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are functioning properly and replacing their batteries regularly can save lives by providing early warning in case of fire or gas leaks.

Improving lighting in hallways and stairways is another easy yet effective way to enhance safety. Consider adding motion-sensor lights or using brighter bulbs to reduce the risk of tripping.

Here are some additional changes that can increase safety in the home year-round:

  • Remove Clutter: Keep floors clear of clutter and ensure pathways are unobstructed.
  • Secure Rugs and Carpets: Use non-slip mats or adhesive strips.
  • Install Handrails: Add handrails to both sides of stairways and ramps.
  • Adjust Furniture: Arrange furniture to create clear, wide pathways.
  • Update Bathroom Fixtures: Use non-slip mats in the shower or bathtub and consider installing a raised toilet seat.

At TruBlue of Plymouth and Maple Grove, we offer senior safety assessments to help identify potential safety concerns. We can then create a plan to address them using our trusted handyman services.

Maintaining Your Home’s Curb Appeal

The exterior of your home requires just as much attention as the interior. Regular lawn care, including mowing, trimming bushes, and clearing walkways, keeps your Minnesota property looking maintained and can prevent hazards. It's also important to inspect the roof and siding for signs of damage or wear and address any issues promptly. Keeping your home's exterior looking its best can also increase its value and make it more appealing if you choose to sell in the future.

One of the many handyman services we offer for seniors and busy adults in Plymouth and the surrounding Minnesota area is exterior maintenance. We can assist with lawn care, snow removal, landscaping, and various home projects to ensure your or your loved one’s home looks its best.

Preventing Problems Before They Start

Regular inspections of key systems in your home can save you from costly repairs later on. Here's what you or your senior loved one should focus on:

  • Plumbing Checks: Regularly inspect plumbing for leaks, drips, or signs of water damage. Catching these issues early can prevent more extensive damage and expensive repairs. Also, ensure your water heater is working properly to avoid sudden failures and ensure a steady supply of hot water.
  • Electrical Inspections: Ensure electrical wiring is safe and up to code. Check that outlets and switches are functioning correctly, especially in older homes where outdated wiring can be a fire hazard.
  • Appliance Maintenance: Regularly clean and service appliances to extend their lifespan and maintain their efficiency. Proper maintenance helps them operate safely and effectively.
  • Foundation: Periodically inspect the foundation for cracks or signs of shifting. If left unchecked, these issues can lead to significant structural problems.

Why Choose TruBlue of Plymouth and Maple Grove?

At TruBlue of Plymouth and Maple Grove, we understand that home maintenance can be overwhelming, especially for seniors. Our community-trusted team provides reliable, comprehensive handyman services tailored to the needs of seniors within our Minnesota community. Whether it's seasonal maintenance, safety enhancements, to-do list projects, or regular home checks and repairs, we have you covered.

To learn more about our services or to schedule a consultation, call 763-400-3748 or complete our contact us form. Remember: A little prevention goes a long way in maintaining a safe and comfortable home.

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