News & Articles

Home Improvements for Family Caregivers Month

November is Family Caregivers Month! Being able to care for an aging loved one is a wonderful gift and we want to start this blo...
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Is Your Home Safe For Elderly Loved Ones

There comes a time for every family when we transition from going to our parent's or grandparent's homes for the holidays to hos...
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Preparing Your Home for Autumn

Love it or hate it, fall is here! As we say farewell to the warmth and fun of summer, it’s time to get excited about falli...
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Fall Prevention: Four Tips to Avoid Trips

We’ve all fallen over what seemed like nothing – a sock on the steps, a puddle on the porch, even our own two feet. ...
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Six DIY Projects Seniors Should Skip

It’s hard to accept that there are projects we can’t – or shouldn’t – be doing anymore. It’s...
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Aging at Home: It’s About More than Having a Caregiver

For older adults considering their options and family members looking to do the best for their aging loved ones, there’s o...
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Five High-Design, Low-Cost Home Improvements

You don’t have to be a millionaire, to have a home that looks like a million bucks. If it’s time for a refresh &ndas...
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Five Projects to Add Value to Your Home

Adding value to your home doesn’t always mean redoing the basement, getting a new roof or embarking on another large &ndas...
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September is National Fall Prevention Month! Ensure your loved ones' safety with a FREE Senior Home Safety Assessment. Schedule yours today!